Antigravity Investments
Impact investing has made great strides in a short time. Back in 2010, the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) estimated that impact investing market was worth $50 billion. In 2022, GIIN sized the impact investing market at over $1 trillion for the first time, a 20x increase in just 12 years.
While the popularity of impact investing has advanced, the effect impact investing has on the world and how investors should impact invest is as uncertain as ever. How does impact investing affect investment returns? It is better to divest from harmful companies, or deliberately invest in them and use proxy voting to influence them? Does impact investing affect market prices, and does that matter? Are some forms of impact investing more impactful than others?
As pioneers in the impact investing space in more ways than one (here’s an example of our research), Antigravity Investments can help clients think through all of these questions—the what, why, and how of various forms of impact investing. We can assist with implementing impact investing across markets, from stocks to venture capital. If you’re interested, join our waitlist now!
Antigravity Investments can help donors and institutions think about how to best approach philanthropy from a social impact, investing, and tax efficiency perspective.
We are familiar with a multitude of social impact movements (effective altruism, climate, etc.) and impact methodologies (systems change, evidence-based impact evaluation, etc.) that we leverage to support your philanthropic vision. We have experience setting up and managing investments for philanthropic organizations as well as supporting tax-efficient donations from various asset classes like stocks and crypto.
If you’d like to discuss how we can support your philanthropic vision, join our waitlist now!